Saturday, August 31, 2019

Articles of Confederation Essay

When the Revolutionary War was over and the Americans had won their independence, the revolutionists and republicans leading the new country were quite convinced that their government should differ from that of Britain and have a limited amount of power. Clearly, these men took these ideals more seriously than they should have. They created a constitution for the 13 states known as the Articles of Confederation, which put the majority of power in the hands of these individual states. They were adopted in 1777 after the war and enacted in 1781. The Articles of Confederation were quite a success pertaining to western lands, but proved unbeneficial for the economy of our new country. Once the war was over, many Americans hoped to expand in the west, and they could successfully do so under the Articles of Confederation through the Northwest Ordinances and the Treaty of Paris, which tripled the size of the new country. For example, the Ordinance of 1784 divided the Western territory into self-governing districts that could each make a constitution and petition Congress for statehood after certain requirements were completed. The Ordinance of 1785 that followed created a system that allowed the land to be surveyed and sold to the public. The greatest accomplishment pertaining to western lands and the Articles of Confederation was the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, as it created one Northwest Territory and solved the problem caused by the ordinance of 1785, land speculation. This ordinance also brought stability and organization to the process of western settlement and built the framework for settlement in the Northwest Territory. These enactments also proved beneficial to the ideal citizen of the time, the yeomen farmer. In the area of western lands and settlement, the Articles of Confederation were quite successful. When politicians gathered to create the Articles, it is quite evident how afraid both they and the American people were of the government having too much power like that which they suffered under Great Britain. So, they made sure this wouldn’t happen by giving the government very little power over the citizens, also giving the states the power to create their own constitutions, have their own forms of executive and legislature, and coin  their own money. This proved terrible for the economy of the new country, for it was already in an enormous post-war debt. Congress could not enforce laws, regulate interstate trade (resulting in various tariffs between the states), or tax people directly, and the only way to change any of these rules was if all states approved of such a change. Each state had its own currency, causing havoc for trade in a country that was already forced to borrow money from others. Some states such as Massachusetts issued very high taxes, trying to collect specie even from the war veterans and farmers who could not be paid due to Congress’s inability to tax people directly, ending up in tragedy such as Shays’ Rebellion. This led to fears of anarchy and a â€Å"mobocracy.† The state governments and Congress were forced to print a huge amount of paper money, leading to the worst inflation in U.S. history between 1778 and 1783. America’s trade deficit was also astoundingly high during this period of time. It is very evident that the U.S. economy suffered under the Articles of Confederation. It is also safe to say that the Articles had both their successes and failures in each of their aspects. For example, the Ordinance of 1785 resulted in the problem known as land speculation, which occurred when the land of people such as yeomen farmers was foreclosed, benefitting merchants and the rest of the gentry as they bought the land to make their own profits. Although this problem was eliminated through the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, this newer enactment caused a big problem with the Native Americans living in the Western lands, even though the law specified that their land would not be taken from them and they would be treated with â€Å"the upmost, good faith.† And, throughout all of this the British were still residing in the Ohio River Valley, causing more havoc. Although there were no shorthand benefits in the economic status of the country under the Articles of Confederation, the only benefit overall was the tragedy itself! The repeated economic failures under the Articles heavily impacted the Constitutional Convention of 1787 and the need for a new Constitution. Though the Articles of Confederation can be called a failure, they were very commendable. The Americans were a new people who fought for their freedom and created a new government from scratch with both its successes and  failures, just like any other country. Throughout their creation of the Articles and even the later modified version, the U.S. Constitution, the Americans stuck with their belief that the majority of power belonged to the people even though they learned that the government needs power as well in order to regulate and ensure the success of America. The Articles led to what would be the Northwest part of the nation, and can be forgiven for their failure on the economic conditions as they enticed people such as James Madison to gather and improve the constitution.

Film/novel “True Grit” Essay

Out in a middle of nowhere, a man rides a horse in haste as if it were chasing after something. This is the common image of the cowboy that we have all become familiar with. In fact, it is next to impossible not to recognize the image of the cowboy because it is so powerful in pop cultural myths. It is interesting to examine the myth and image of the cowboy in a comparison of the legendary film/novel â€Å"True Grit† and the unique paintings of Remington Remington. A sparse description is the hallmark of the style of Remington’s usage of blurry touches and specific colors on the painting as seen in â€Å"against the sunset† which portrays a man’s masculinity in the form of a mythical hero figure of west. In the previously mentioned painting, Remington emphasized a man’s masculinity by using the environment of the painting. There is nothing in the frame besides the land and many small bushes. Although these bushes are small as a group they seem like an obstacle for a man. Moreover, their dark colors emit a negative image and even evoke threatening obstructions for a challenger. However, as a man, he seems to be not hesitating to face challenges in front him, but rather to keep going forward even faster. Although it seems like sun is setting, a man still rides a horse and never looks down in twilight. Just like Mattie he must be not â€Å"scared of the dark† (True Grit 60). Also it seems like the unknown man’s image is similar to my opinion of LaBoeuf from â€Å"True Grit†. The unknown man is â€Å"wearing two revolvers† (True Grit 67) just like LaBoeuf. Also, his â€Å"belt [is] thick and wide and bedecked with cartridges† (True Grit 67). Additionally, his appearance matches with LaBoeuf although his face is blurry on the painting. Also he looks like he is â€Å"around thirty years of age† (True Grit 67). There are other similarities, In the novel â€Å"True Grit†, though LaBoeuf was not as good at shooting as Rooster, he did not fear chasing a criminal in Unknown Territory which can be very dangerous for strangers. Also, at the novel’s conclusion, he sacrifices himself for â€Å"little sister Mattie† proving that he is also a man with â€Å"true grit†. As a result, LaBoeuf-like image evokes an essence similar to the unknown man’s masculinity. On the other hand, â€Å"against the sunset† gives an image of changes through its back ground color and empty surroundings. The unknown man seems almost lonely in the painting with no buildings or people around. However, â€Å"An area of free land† (Turner 199) portrays this image of the west during the nineteenth century which was a period of sudden change. By the time when Eastern part of the United States became industrialized, the west still remained a wilderness. However, many people started to immigrate west because the west was the land of opportunity. Therefore, many immigrants and migrants were â€Å"compelled to adapt themselves to the changes†¦ involved in crossing a continent, in defeating a wilderness and in [developing the newly expanded territory] out of the primitive economic and political conditions of the frontier into the complexity of city life† (Turner 199). As Turner said, developing caused many changes in the west including economic status, surroundings, and political view. Now, the portrait â€Å"Sunset† makes distinguishable the day and the night. As sun goes down and the whole colors of surrounding changes. Shadow gets shorter and shorter and by the time the sun sets, it disappears. As visible in Remington’s piece, the background color remains very bright and looks like a strange mix of yellow and orange. It must be right when sun set started. However, if the artist was intended to capture one additional, the image would turn out to be whole different color. Also, it already seems to appear darker because the edges of painting depict themselves darker than the middle. Also, although it is not shown in the painting completely, we can imagine that soon the twilight will be gone. â€Å"Against the sunset† also evokes an image of mythical hero figure by cowboy-like dressed man. It is ironic that even though cowboy does not maintain a particular status and never was what is considered a â€Å"cowboy† by their stereotyped and commonly depicted appearance. Of course, what is real and what we expect are clearly not the same item, but it does not matter. What does matter is that our expectations in the image we have are met (that is, the cowboy wears a cowboy hat and not a derby) and that the character is presented in slightly dissimilar manner as well so that we are not treated to everything we expect. In other words, there must be some deviations and subtle if not outright differences present so we experience something new enough to pique our interested while staying within the framework of our expectations of the genre. For example, Rooster, the narrator from â€Å"True Grit†, never said that he is a cowboy, but we categorize him as a cowboy anyway. He is old, but tall, big, â€Å"one-eyed† man, and â€Å"wear[s]† a dusty black suit of clothes (True Grit 40). It is not described in the book in a detail, but it is clear in the movie that he wears cowboy hats and carries big rifles with him. Just as people categorize native Indians by skin color and appearance, cowboys are categorized by their way of dress, their status and masculinity. In a manner similar to Rooster, the Unknown Man seems to be a â€Å"cowboy† because he wears cowboy hat, leather vest, and dusty pants. By the mere fact that the Unknown Man looks like cowboy makes him very powerful because from the media and books we have always receive impression that cowboys symbolize justice, machism and a heroism. In a way, the novel â€Å"True Grit† portrays Rooster as a super hero who is not a mere human. When Rooster meets Lucky Ned Pepper’s gang, he faces a crisis because it was a showdown between him alone versus three relatively young men. However, by way of a miracle, Rooster stays alive and manages to kill all three of the other men. This determines Rooster’s character as a super hero because in reality such melodrama could never actually happen. (It is more akin to a RAMBO film than a serious treatise on life in the old west) This is similar in how the way of dress makes the Unknown Man’s image similar to the super hero Rooster. From this connection, we provide the Unknown Man with many known traits that we have come to expect from a cowboy. These expectations are overwhelming and they create an image that transfers our positive images from one source (cowboy films, novels, etc) to the portrait. In a way the portrait â€Å"air lifts† imagery from another area that is already established as having certain positive traits. The cowboy image is powerful enough to do this because the cowboy is a character that is the essence of independence and the American spirit. It is a difficult thing to depart from the collective and live the life of the individual. This is what the cowboy does and he gains massive respect and an eternal mythos because of it. The cowboy is a complex individual and this complexity manifests itself in different mediums that borrow from the cowboy’s rich history. This mythos of the cowboy can be seen in novels/films such as â€Å"True Grit† and in the amazing portraits of Remington. The mythos becomes even more interesting when one looks at the mythos and compares it to the portraits and â€Å"True Grit. † From this examination, we learn the mythos is more powerful than we ever imagined.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Denim Finishing Company Case Essay

Mrs. Kelsey Bowser using the ABC method decided to use the number of garments as the cost driver of the change-over costs. Nevertheless, I argue that this was not the best possible choice. I will try to defend my point using the following example. Let’s assume that Guess Who Jeans demands 600, not 500 garments per shipment. Although the number of garments changes, the total change-over costs would stay the same, because no additional retooling of the machine would be necessary. The whole change-over process takes 3 hours regarding if the number of garments is 200, 500 or 800. Furthermore, let’s strictly theoretically assume that the company is able to achieve some extra capacity and one batch is now composed of 150 garments instead of 100 garments. Still, although the total number of garments would vastly increase, the change-over costs would be altered only partially. The opportunity cost measured as a lost contribution margin would slightly increase, but the out-of-po cket costs would stay the same, as the wages of the employees and supplies costs will not change. Thus, it is clear that the number of garments is not the proper cost driver for the change-over costs. In my opinion the number of shipments would be a much better cost driver for the change-over costs. Regarding the number of garments or the number of batches Guess Who Jeans demands every shipment requires the change-over costs to be incurred twice. For instance, if 99 shipments were made, the total change-over costs would equal $351 * 198 = $69,498, because two change-overs ($702) would not have to be undertaken. Thus, the number of shipments clearly drives the analyzed costs. Unlikely the previous example with the number of garments per batch increasing to 150, the number of shipments fully ‘drives’ the change-over costs. Every time the number of shipments rises or falls, the change-over costs change by the full amount of the two per-changeover costs which properly reflect the real situation. Using such a cost driver may be problematic when the allocation of the chang e-over costs is analyzed. Nevertheless, I argue that those cost should be solely allocated to the propriety denim finishing. The demand for the stonewashing services exceeds the company’s capacity. Thus, if the Guess Who Jeans’ offer was declined, the company would use the whole capacity for stonewashing. However, if the offer was accepted the stonewashing processes would be somehow ‘interrupted’ by the propriety denim finishing. Each ‘interruption’, and therefore each shipment would require incurring the change-over costs twice. No factor connected with stonewashing ‘drives’ those costs. Regarding the number of batches or garments used in the stonewashing process each shipment necessitates the cost of $702. Therefore, I believe this cost should be associated with every shipment done by Guess Who Jeans. In Appendix A I present the product profitability analysis using the number of shipment as the cost driver. Moreover, Mrs. Kelsey Bowser claims that the change-over costs should be treated as product-sustaining costs. Nevertheless, I believe her opinion is wrong. I believe these costs should be on the batch level in the cost hierarchy. Hence, I believe the initial analysis undertaken by Mrs. Bowser was correct, although the cost driver she selected was improper. Product-sustaining level costs could be defined as ‘activities that are needed to support an entire product line but are not performed every time a new unit or batch of products is produced’ [Hilton 2010]. Although the first part of the definition applies to the change-over costs, it is clearly not the case when the second part of the definition is concerned. The change-over costs have to be incurred every time the shipments is delivered and the propriety denim finishing has to be done. Therefore, I believe these costs should be rather placed as the batch-level costs in the cost hierarchy. Batch-level costs are believed to ‘arise from activities performed once for each batch or lot of products’ [Zimmerman 2011]. Since the change-over costs need to be incurred every shipment, placing them at this level in the hierarchy seems reasonable. 2. It is clear that before accepting the proposal several nonfinancial issues have to be considered in order to make a reasonable decision. First, the management should think how accepting the Gues Who offer would affect the relations with the other clients. Since Guess Who requires the Denim Finishing Company not to offer the particular type of finish to other customers, it is very likely that relations with other firms will worsen. The Denim Finishing Company has been cooperating with many companies for a long time. Therefore, those companies may dislike the fact that the new client receives the special treatment, while such benefits could not be observed in their case, even though they have been the customers for ages. Consequently, the Denim Finishing Company’s reputation may shrink and furthermore the firm may lose some of its customers that it had long term relations established with. Accepting the Guess Who offer, as mentioned before, would require the Denim Finishing Company to offer the certain time of finish exclusively to Guess Who. Hence, the firm would be prohibited from providing other companies with this service. Before making the decision it should be analyzed if that could lead to potential losses in the future. For instance, although cooperating with Guess Who may be beneficial, the potential gains from offering that type of finish to other clients could be higher. If so, the Denim Finishing Company should rather provide the service to other firms. Naturally, before making such a decision it has to be determined if other firms would require the Denim Finishing Company to offer the service exclusively to them, like it is the case for Guess Who. Offering exclusive service to one company may result in other companies’ (not only potential clients as mentioned in the previous paragraph, but also current ones) demands for exclusive treatment. If other clients, especially those who have been cooperating with the Denim Finishing Company for a long time, realize that it is possible to receive such a special treatment, they would likely claim for it too, as it could give them a competitive advantage over other firms in their industry. Thus, the Denim Finishing Company would undoubtedly face a big problem. It theoretically could increase the prices for the firms that demand exclusive service, but it could lead to losing those clients. Accepting or declining the Guess Who offer may also result in potential conflicts within the firm that have to be considered. For instance, Bruce Farrand who is against the offer may be so determined in defending his point of view that if the offer is accepted, he will decide to terminate his employment. However, he might be so valuable for the company that the gains from the cooperation with Guess Who would not compensate for the value added by Mr. Farrand. Moreover, some other conflicts could arise in the company after deciding either. Before making the decision it would also be recommended to analyze the potential influence the service offered to Guess Who could have on the machine. Since providing the finish would require constant and often retooling of the machine, it could negatively affect the lifetime of the machine. What is more, it is possible that the quality of services done by the machine would shrink because of those often changes. Hence, the satisfaction among clients could diminish and the high cost of purchasing new machine would have to be incurred soon. It also cannot be forgotten that the current demand exceeds the firm’s capacity and some of its clients already use services provided by other companies. Thus, if the Denim Finishing Company’s has even less time for stonewashing, these clients can shift to competitors. Finally, it should be estimated what potential nonfinancial benefits could cooperating with Guess Who bring to the Denim Finishing Company. Guess Who is considered to be a company that offers innovative and premium products. Thus, being an important business partner of such a firm could have a positive impact on the Denim Finishing Company’s reputation. Consequently, it could attract new clients and encourage more companies to cooperate with the Denim Finishing Company. Moreover, successful cooperation with Guess Who Jeans could lead to extending the business relations with that company. For instance, it could outsource more of its production to the Denim Finishing Company. 3. If I were Tom Corcoran, I would undoubtedly have a few questions for the controller. First, I would ask about all the problems mentioned in the two previous questions. As mentioned before, I believe that Mrs. Bowser did not place the change-over costs at the right level in the cost hierarchy. Hence, I would like to get to know why she decided to treat them as product-sustaining costs, while there are a lot of arguments supporting the idea to treat them as batch-level costs. Furthermore, the cost driver chosen by Mrs. Bowser is highly doubtful. I would require the explanation how and to what extent in her opinion the number of garments ‘drives’ the change-over costs. Since I believe the number of garments is not the right cost driver, I would ask Mrs. Bowser for some other type of profitability analysis, such as the analysis presented in Appendix A. The analysis presented at the meeting by the controller could be misleading. Both Exhibit 3 and Exhibit 4 present data that is in my opinion inaccurate. Moreover, as it was analyzed in the second question accepting or declining the offer could lead to multiple nonfinancial outcomes that may play a significant role on the company’s profitability. Hence, I would ask if such factors have been analyzed and if so, what possible impact they may have. I also believe that Tom Corcoran would be most interested in the total profit his company would have under both scenarios. Analyses presented at the meeting, as valuable as they might be, do not contain such information. For instance, they do not include the facility-sustaining costs that the Denim Finishing Company has to incur. Hence, it would be recommended to present Tom Corcoran with the yearly profit the firm may earn. Moreover, I would ask Mrs. Bowser about the accuracy of her assumptions in Exhibit 4. She estimates that the costs of the proprietary process, as well as the price paid by Guess Who Jeans wi ll not change during the year. However, it may not necessarily be the case. The analysis relies on historical costs that may not be appropriate for the future estimations. Thus, I would like to know if Mrs. Bowser took that aspect into account. Another question would regard the overhead rates of the batch- and unit-level costs. The rates were estimated when only stonewashing was done. However, accepting the offer from Guess Who Jeans would require retaining from using the machine for 600 hours. This could likely result in different overhead costs and consequently different overhead rates. The batch-level utility cost can be particularly problematic. It is ‘driven’ by the machine hours and as previously mentioned the machine is not used for 3 hours before and 3 hours after the shipment. Furthermore, the case makes it unclear whether drying is also performed by the Unit #4. The per-garment utilities cost includes 3 hours for washing and 3 hours for drying. However, when the change-over is undertaken, the washing is not performed, because the machine cannot be used. Therefore, during the change-over the utilities cost is possibly lower. This is especially important for the opportunity cost analysis. Since the case is lacking information explaining the problem, if I were Tom Corcoran I would like to clarify it. Finally, I strongly believe that it would also be necessary to ask Mrs. Bowser about the facility-sustaining costs. Such costs are ignored in the controller’s analysis. Nevertheless, they still affect the company’s profitability. Hence, I would like to get to know how big those costs are. Moreover, the facility-sustaining costs could also be somehow influenced by the possible cooperation with Guess Who Jeans. For instance, the security or insurance costs could rise, since the service is supposed to be offered exclusively to that particular client. Therefore, the analysis of the capacity-sustaining costs would also be useful. To sum up, if I were Tom Corcoran I would have many doubts about the controller’s analysis. I would probably ask her to prepare yet another presentation that includes my suggestions. However, if I were to make the decision, I probably would accept the Guess Who Jeans’ offer. The analysis in the Appendix A, although it does not include nonfinancial factors and may not properly reflect all the costs, clearly shows that such a scenario leads to increased profits. 4. Activity-based costing is undoubtedly a useful tool that could help the management to make the optimal decision. It is much more accurate that the traditional costing systems. Distinguishing various activities and determining cost drivers relating to them helps to more precisely allocate the costs. Using one cost driver for all the amount of the overhead could create the situation where the indirect costs are not really ‘driven’ by the particular cost. For instance, although direct labor hours might to some extent determine the value of the overhead, the influence may only be partial, especially regarding certain products. Using various cost drivers for various activities largely eliminates this problem. What is more, selecting particular cost drivers for respective activities enables ‘taxing’ certain activities. This internal tax system gives an incentive to reduce certain costs and therefore improve the company’s efficiency. For instance, if machine labor hours are chosen as a driver for the production activity there is an impulse to lower the number of machine labor hours which consequently results in decreased value of overhead, lower costs and higher profits. Under Activity-Based Costing the share of costs allocated directly to the products increases. Thus, the company better understand where its overhead costs go to. It enables the firm to identify the products that are not profitable and undertake relevant actions, such as decreasing costs, raising the price or withdrawing the product. However, the cost hierarchy helps to make such decision regarding not only particular products, but also batches and product lines. This undoubtedly allows making decisions that are more profit-maximizing. Moreover, in the ABC the practical capacity is used. Therefore, it is possible to determine the unused capacity. Diminishing the unused capacity is definitely helpful in maximizing the profits of the company. Hence, Activity-Based Costing provides the management with the information necessary to make optimal decisions. To compare, the traditional costing systems do not give such a possibility. However, the ABC method also has some flaws that may result in making a non-optimal production decision. Some of those disadvantages could be observed in the previous questions. First, the system is believed to be complicated. As noticeable in the first question choosing the proper cost driver for the particular activity might be problematic. Selecting the wrong driver could lead to biased results and consequently the decision that is not profit-maximizing. Furthermore, trying to maintain the cost hierarchy may also be difficult, as shown in the example of Mrs. Bowser from the Denim Finish Company. The results when the costs were determined as the batch-level where completely different than when they were analyzed to be product-level. Thus, such easily made mistakes could result in a non-optimal decision. Furthermore, as it could be seen in the second question Activity-Based Costing does not include any nonfinancial measures. Thus, even though pure financial values may show that a particular decision is profit-maximizing, it might not necessarily be the case. Other factors, such as e.g. loss of reputation could actually result in decreased profits. Finally, the ABC method requires gathering data from the whole company, often through interviews. Hence, there is a relatively big possibility that collected data is not perfectly accurate. To sum up, the Activity-Based Costing method is quite reliable tool in making optimal production decisions, especially compared to the traditional costing systems. However, the system has to be carefully planned and implemented, because any mistakes could lead to inaccurate results. Choosing the wrong cost driver and improper assignment of the costs in the cost hierarchy may result in undesired errors. Furthermore, as useful as the ABC is, the management cannot rely solely on financial values provided by the method. Before making the decision all nonfinancial factors have to be considered. Only such a consideration combined with the information supplied by the properly designed and applied Activity-Based Costing system can lead to the optimal production decision. 5. The marginal costing analysis may undoubtedly be a useful tool in making an optimal decision. However, it has to be used carefully, because some of its suggestions may be misleading. This could also be observed in the analysis presented by Mrs. Bowser. The concerns are somehow parallel to the questions raised before. First, the marginal costing analysis does not include any nonfinancial factors. Hence, although the particular activity may seem profitable, it might not necessary be true. Second, the analysis is based on the historical, not the actual costs. The actual costs and price that Guess Who Jeans would be required to pay may differ over the time. Similarly, the application of the overhead depends on the estimates rather than the actual values. Thus, over or underabsorption may happen. Moreover, as mentioned before, after accepting the offer the overhead rates could change. Thus, the costs provided by the controller in the analysis might be inaccurate. As pointed out in the previous question the case is lacking the information about the possible decrease in the utilities costs during the change-overs. If that was true, the opportunity cost associated with the lost contribution margin on sales of 70,000 stonewashed garments would considerably increase. Considerably, the incremental profit from accepting the new offer would diminish. Another problem with Mrs. Bowser’s analysis, as well as with all the marginal costing analyses is that they do not include the costs that do not change with the unit volume. However, such costs could also influence the decision. Although the analysis presented by the controller shows that accepting the offer would be highly profitable, the figures would not look so vastly appealing if the amount of capacity-sustaining overhead was included in the Exhibit. Furthermore, the presented analysis is only a short-term one. Nevertheless, before making a strategic management the management also has to cons ider the long-term perspective. The analysis shows that in the certain year the incremental profits from accepting the Guess Who Jeans’ offer would equal some particular value. The analysis only includes one year though. In the following years the profits could be lower and thus declining the offer could actually be a better decision. For instance, imagine that Guess Who Jeans needs the propriety denim finishing services for its new products that are just to be introduced to the market. The client may expect the high demand for the new product in the first year. However, in the following years the demand for the product, and consequently for the Denim Finishing Company’s services may shrink. Finally, the marginal costing analysis includes only one-case scenario. It assumes that the projected and the actual number of shipments will be equal. However, it is not certain if that will happen. If some unexpected events happen the marginal costing analysis will not properly reflect the real situation. It cannot be forgotten that the marginal costing analysis is a simple and straightforward tool that can support the decision making. It is particularly useful when two products or divisions are to be compared. Moreover, it can give the management the basis for analyzing the opportunity cost of declining the Guess Who Jeans’ offer. However, the marginal costing analysis should be used carefully. I believe it should be treated as a supportive instrument for decision making rather than the major source of information. Hence, if the controller alter a few things, the analysis could help to make the optimal, profit-maximizing decision.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Gap Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Gap Analysis - Essay Example Through continuing education courses, I can help build my knowledge base and improve my job skills and this is important in strengthening my abilities in my profession. Texas Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (TLETS) policy and procedures training certification is required to be completed within six months of employment. My certification is very significant since it enhances my commitment to advanced work practice. Good communication skills are a requirement in my profession when interacting with clients as well as co-workers. I have acquired the skills to communicate ideas and instructions clearly and concisely from several communication courses. Good communication skills will significantly help in my career development and job placement. Networking is also a requirement in my profession. My work involves coordination with facilities, agencies and the community to prepare and facilitate the implementation of an informed plan of supervision. Virtually, networking can strengthen and expand my profession through collaboration with other dimensions related to

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Perspectives on operations management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Perspectives on operations management - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that operations management strategy is simply a tool which can help the organizations to carry out their business inefficient manner. Operations strategies are the main key to the measurement of performance of any business entity. The main concern of business entities is how they will survive and can continue their functions in an effective manner. For this purpose, an efficient operations strategy set the long-term directions for the business and these directions ensure the future success of any organization. An efficient operations strategy can help the business entities to win the race and stand at top of the crowd in a competitive environment. Â  X Company is the chain of independent retail outlets in Hartwell in Essex and opening a new Wal-Mart store at the edge of the town. The advice is needed about the potential operation strategy in response to the recent opening of Wal-Mart store. The authors have prepared a plan for the future b usiness operation strategy for the new Wal-Mart store. According to many successful financial advisors, Operations strategy for any business has a direct impact on the profitability levels and corporate strategy. Structural design is the main element of the operations strategy. As the Company X is running its business as a retail outlet and wants to set the new business operation strategy for new Wal-Mart store. There are some key points for the structural design of new operations strategy in the paper.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


IMAGE RESEARCH (THE HISTORY OF WESTERN ART) - Article Example In the same way, in both images, the persons depicted are wearing red porphyry given the fact that they were Roman Emperors. The decorative features are also present in both images as seen from the visible contours. On top of this, the heads and necks of both images are white. Similar works to these images can be found in the Museo Capitalino which is in Rome (Italy), Museo Archeologico which is in Naples together with Pushkin Museum found in Moscow and Kunsthistorisches Museum (Vienna). The collection of images in these museums is made of marble and includes the busts of various early Roman Emperors. The above image which is also known as the Luncheon of the Boateng party by Pierre-Auguste Renoir is similar to the images of â€Å" A Bar at the Falies- Bergre† and â€Å"Maulin de la Galette† (Adams 434-435). The images depict the evolution of artistic style in France towards impressionilism. They show optical realism and an intelligent use of the properties of light to show artistic style for communication with the audience. The images are made on oil on canvas. The use of bright colours is evident in all these images. Colours in these images are highlight various components of the images and hence engage the audience. Similar images can be found in Musee d’Orssey (Paris, France), Courtlaud Institute of Art Gallery (London, England) and National Gallery of Art Collection (Washington D.C., United States). The images depict the nineteenth century impressionism that was popular in Paris in the 1860s. The above image of the Basilica of San Lorenzo whose location is in Florence is similar to the early Christians Basilicas like the San Vitale (Adams 159). Both images indicate that the Basilicas were constructed using bricks on the exterior. The architectural design of the Basilicas ensured that they stood out from other buildings in the neighborhood. They both have high domes and they significantly tower above the other buildings. Worship centers were of great

Monday, August 26, 2019

The Network Society - How Has It Changed in Humans' Work And Interacti Essay - 1

The Network Society - How Has It Changed in Humans' Work And Interaction - Essay Example Communication networks are inseparable from network society (Yang & Bergrud, 2008). Without digital communication, there is no real basis for a network society. We are living in the 21st century, without digital transfer of knowledge, information, news, finances, messages, there will be huge incoordination between the pace of electronic media and the fabric of society. Manuel Castells even goes to the length of saying that without accounting for the tools (electronic facilities like the internet) there is no possibility of comprehending or depicting the society (Yang & Bergrud, 2008). Network society is a blessing at one hand but it also creates some complications. The network can become very complex as digital information is readily available (billions of dollars can be transferred from one bank account to another by pressing ENTER of the computer keyboard). For this to work for the administration and public, all departments and sections of the society need to work in cooperation.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Governance and Effecting Change in Schools Essay

Governance and Effecting Change in Schools - Essay Example But one must know that laws only can regulate the rights as well as responsibilities of teachers. I disagree with this court decision as the constitution and supreme law of this country is not in favor of forced actions. Teachers ordered their learners to rise and deliver the verses respectfully in unanimity. Moreover, broadcasting class learners in the Abington School District were bound to read the verses over a public-address system. Otherwise, teachers could be fired if they would refuse to participate and pupils occasionally were separated out from others if they did not stick together with others students in the daily reading (Phelps and Lehman, 2005). But Laws regulating schools along with teachers at 3 interrelated levels of federal, state, and local are the part of a larger and complex legal system. Teachers are responsible to understand content they’re anticipated to teach to students. The third case, which was decided in 1943 was West Virginia State board of Education vs. Barnette et. al. It was a case of forced saluting ceremony and the decision in favor of very strict punishment in case any student or teacher decides against that. The appellees were citizens of West Virginia and the United States, and they rightfully disagreed to salute the flag as a compulsion. They were adamant that the flog is an image. This image however sacred cannot be placed above religion or will of the people. On the other hand the education department believed that there are limits to everyone’s authority and symbolism remains a primitive and effective way of communicating ideas (West Virginia state board of Education vs. Barnette, 1943). I agree to the Education department in general that such symbolism teaches and communicates the national values. However, the strict punishments related to it make it a forceful act which might make it fail in serving its purpose. To me it app ears ethically wrong to force anyone to

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Organisational change at WA Police Communications Case Study

Organisational change at WA Police Communications - Case Study Example Organizations are faced with chaos every day, and managerial role will involve bringing about order, and simplifying the manner in which problems are dealt with every day. Therefore, managers should take care of the needs of the people their actions have an effect on by considering the effects their decisions will have on them. Leaders should always be flexible in dealing with different situations, and they should reframe their experiences and always endeavor to seek new ways of dealing with situations. Bolman and Deal explain that management should be an ethical and moral role so that leaders are able to understand the employees’ heritage and personal needs, and this will increase productivity. Therefore, leaders should thrive on combining business with values and purpose so that everyone in the organization feels comfortable when working. In reframing or changing organizations, Bolman and Deal put an emphasis on the need to concentrate on organizational practices in order to achieve productivity. They use a four frame model that will help organizations in changing their practices, Structural, human resource, po ­litical, and symbolic, which give the notion that the same problem or situation can be viewed in four different ways. Each of the frames is powerful on their own, but when they are applied together, they help to get a broad picture of any organization. These frames are used to identify the problems in organizations and the measures that are best suited to cope with it satisfactorily. The structural frame puts an emphasis on organizational goals, roles and relationships in the organization. It is the blueprint for what each employee is expected to complete since it will help device... The paper gives detailed information about the structural problems in the organization such as the lack of feedback and recognition on the tasks that the employees engage in every day. Every employee has their task, but the problem is that no one knows if they are doing the right thing or not. The structural frame requires that the employees are given tasks and roles according to their competencies, and they have an idea of what is expected of them. It requires a stable, working environment, where the employees will have clearly defined role, and this will be beneficial in carrying out their tasks since they know what the management expects from them. Feedback is significant since it will motivate the employees in their work, and it will make them work hard to see that they have accomplished their goals. WA police communication seems to have problems with the way they handle their internal politics, which are detrimental to their operations. Conflicts in organizations are bound to oc cur since people will have different views on how to approach different problems in the organization. Therefore, decision-making plays a crucial role in determining the way organizations handle their political issues. WA police communication decision-making roles are vested on the management of the organization, and employees do not participate. They complain that they have no say in the way things in the call center are run, and they are the ones to implement the decisions made by the management.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Green cars (electric cars) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Green cars (electric cars) - Essay Example Modern consumerism often exploits this term to draw more capital. For example, a vehicle that does not harm the environment by emitting excessive carbon-compounds may not be effective or successful, if it is not popular among the people. Again, a green car such as the electric one, though do not produce pollutant, are indirectly related to the production of pollutants. Therefore, ‘green successes should be measured in a broader context. If a product can reduce the emission of carbon-compounds in a broader context, it is fit for the umbrella term â€Å"green† technology. A ‘successful green’ car needs to be less harmful for the environment while being cost-effective, popular, user-friendly, easily accessible to fuel resource, etc. Present non-polluting technologies primarily pivot on reducing the emissions. Two of such pollution-resistant technologies are: Hybrid Electric Energy vehicle (HEEV) and Hydrogen fuel Combustion vehicle (HFCV). Although many alternatives to traditional gasoline cars now exist, the fact of the matter is that each called â€Å"green alternatives† presents a host of drawbacks which has worked to keep them from gaining widespread popularity within the general public. In order to be successfully green, in other words to be more environment-friendly, ‘green cars’ –especially the electric cars- need to overcome the existing gaps and drawbacks such as electric range (mileage), cost-effectiveness, time to charge, availability of charging terminals, current electric grid build out, etc. Air pollution intervention programs often find it difficult to make themselves cost effective as well as adaptable to modern lifestyle. (Fletcher, 2011, p. 67) For example, while Hyd rogen Fuel Combustion technologies hold a great prospect of being the replacement of the fossil fuel energy, they are not cost effective. Such obstacles that make their places in the scientists’ â€Å"need to be

The Parthenon.-history background and architectural structure Essay

The Parthenon.-history background and architectural structure - Essay Example Built circa 477 to 438 B.C.E., the Parthenon has come to stand for the ideals of the ancient Greek civilization. Despite is fame, there is only one brief description of the Parthenon, written by a Greek speaker named Pausanias, that has come down through the generations from the ancient period itself, although well after 600 years. The main focus of this short account was of the phenomenal statue of Athena, made of an overlay of gold and silver over a wooden frame (Beard, 2002, p. 25). The Parthenon is known as the â€Å"twenty-second wonder of the world† (Bipu, 2009). Through Greek-engineered techniques and currently-available masonry, the great architects of the Greek Empire have demonstrated marvelous feats of mounting stone cut figures into fully-formed foundations and architecturally-aesthetic amenities. It has been described as the primary wonder which resembles the aspects of science, art, and democracy. â€Å"It stands at 19.8 meters (65 feet) high inclusive of the su perstructure and three steps acting as the base. Each step is also of distinct from one another: the lowest step, the stereobate, is at a length 72.5 meters (238 feet) by width 33.8 meters (111 feet); the stylobate (top step) is at length 68.5 meters (228 feet) by width 30.8 meters (101 feet)† (Fletcher, 112). The superstructure itself consists of colonnades resembling the Doric style in the peristyle formation. The total number of columns results in 46 columns which are 10.4 meters (34 feet) in height, with the largest diameter at 1.8 meters (6 feet). The average spacing between the ends of each column is 2.4 meters (8 feet) while those in the porticos of the Parthenon are reduced to a diameter of 1.7 meters (5 ? feet). The column system applied to its Doric colonnade follows an optical illusion technique known as the entasis, which makes use of varying intervals in order to provide a logical symmetry to the building’s exterior (Lambrinou, 2010). The main openings of t he Parthenon lie in the porticos through the east – west orientation axis. Their entry doors are measured 7.3 meters (24 feet) high, 2.1. meters (7 feet) wide and 31 centimetres (1 foot) long.† (Matthews, 2011.). The rooms are clearly defined as the Parthenon is a place of divine worship for the highest among the Greek gods. The temple primarily devotes worship to the goddess Athena Parthenos, who is significant as the deity of the city-state. The interior of the temple had been highly-decorated with sculptures of mythological heroes, both mortal and immortal, of the Greek era, while the exterior mouldings within the pediment symbolize significant events of both historical and mythological accounts. These also utilized indispensable cornerstones to an advantage, portraying the complex according to the flourishing lifestyle typical of the ancient Athenians. Through its geography, they have mastered the art of seemed proportions regardless of the uneven terrain of the Acr opolis. Its colonnade arrangement suggested masculinity conveyed in the hard, stable form of the columns and straight figures, embodying both the stability of the foundation and the artistic nature of the structure (Matthews, 2011). â€Å"Designed by Greek masons Ictinus, Callicrates and Phidias,† (Matthews, 2011) the Parthenon was meant to withstand the harsh climatic effects of Mediterranean wind storms and heat waves. Because of this, the colonnade and portico assembly had been made by the designers. However, the presence of

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Blockbusters and Star Wars Essay Example for Free

Blockbusters and Star Wars Essay If one views the top grossing films of all time, it becomes easy to see that most of the films rely heavily on computer generated images, whether to enhance live action or the animation of popular animated features. Many cinematic experts cite the fact that blockbusters in the last thirty years have relied increasingly on special effects to the point that they overshadow the plot, which in essence becomes superfluous. However, this is hardly the case, and most blockbuster films feature plotlines and ideologies that date back to the earliest days of cinema when special effects were scarce. One of the most popular film franchises in history, Star Wars contains not only special effects that helped change movie making, but it also features a plot with many of the same elements as classic western films, including the ideological battle of good versus evil, the wild frontier, and archetypal characters. In the first few years of its existence, cinema was nothing more than a novelty that possessed little artistic value. The idea of moving images was more than enough to attract audiences, though like all novelties, the public would soon grow weary of the invention without the efforts of men like Edwin S. Porter. Undoubtedly, Porter can be said to be the creator of the first blockbuster in movie history, with 1903’s The Great Train Robbery. The film advanced filmmaking in many regards, as not only the first western, but also by incorporating action, violence, frontier humor, color, special effects, and a full-screen closeup of a bandit firing his pistol at the audience. While a short film featuring only one reel of action, it soon led to the proliferation of the nickelodeon as the most popular and commercially successful film of the pre-nickelodeon era, establishing the idea that film could be a commercially-viable medium. This realization that films could make money would eventually become the driving force behind the Hollywood film industry, and the conventions of the western would serve as the perfect template for plots to the present day. When the Hollywood studio system emerged in the 1910s and 1920s, films were produced much in the way of automobiles, with an assembly line mentality and factory-based production operations that allowed the studios to dominate the movie industry in the U. S. and abroad. The impact of the western formula on the success of film was apparent and by the mid-1920s, nearly half of Universal Studio’s annual output of feature films was westerns. After remaining the most profitable genre of film for decades, by the 1960s the western had peaked both as a viable Hollywood commodity and as a national myth to ease Americas rural-urban transformation, in part brought low by a combination of market saturation and generic exhaustion. However, many of its familiar conventions would find their way into the plots of some of the biggest blockbusters in history. Over seventy years after Porter’s blockbuster, George Lucas would also change the face of cinema, relying on the basic plot techniques developed through the evolution of the western. Stars Wars is credited as ushering in not only the era of dominating special effects, but also remains one of the highest grossing blockbusters of all time, with a worldwide box office take of $797,000,000, not to mention another few billion from its subsequent sequels and prequels. While Star Wars contains amazing artistry in the scale and scope of its special effects, its plot still relies on the simple conventions of the western film, which are designed to be accessible to all audiences. Often considered the first blockbuster to star one of cinema’s greatest icons, John Wayne, the film Stagecoach is an adult drama that had deep roots and moral lessons that helped make it a timeless classic, whose plot is about a group of strangers thrown together on a journey and put under stress so that the strengths and weaknesses of the character within them is revealed; this same basic formula has been seen in blockbuster films like Apollo 13 and the biggest blockbuster in history, Titanic. While both of these later films are heavy with special effects, they feature these proven plot techniques, much like Star Wars. The first time viewers see the heroic Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, it almost looks like a scene from a western. The classic desert landscape, the flat, expansive land and the big sky are all classic icons of the western genre. It is this vastness that is a key characteristic in Star Wars and westerns. Specific settings for westerns include lonely isolated forts, the isolated homestead, the jail, or small frontier towns that are forming at the edges of civilization. Luke, much like the young heroes of westerns, yearns only to get off the farm and lead a life of greater excitement. It is only when the Empire storms through and kills his family is he forced to become a man and take on the evil forces conspired against him. Usually, the central plot of the western film is the classic, simple goal of maintaining law and order on the frontier in a fast-paced action story: â€Å"It is normally rooted in archetypal conflict good vs. bad, virtue vs. evil, white hat vs. black hat Often the hero of a western meets his opposite double, a mirror of his own evil side that he has to destroy† (Dirks). For Luke, the good, his opposition is Darth Vader, the evil. This point is even illustrated by the color of the clothing they wear, as Luke dresses in white and Vader is decked out in ominous black. This element of good versus evil, or white hat versus black hat is a key to western films and make it easy for viewers to delineate between good characters and bad characters is traditionally easy in conventional western movies. There is little question as to who the good guys and bad guys are. And, this is even seen in Luke’s sister, Leia, who begins the movie wearing an all-white dress. The white clothing of Luke and Leia link them through their apparent goodness, even though it is not revealed until later that they are brother and sister. The only character that is seen in both white and black is Han Solo, who wears a white shirt with a black vest. Unlike Luke and Leia, Han has elements of mischief and is also an outlaw. The white shirt signifies his goodness, while the black vest hints of his less than admirable qualitieshis greed, selfishness, and willingness to deal with shady characters. When Han is introduced into the movie, he kills an alien within the first few minutes. According to author Stephen D. Greydanus, this scene is typical of western films: â€Å"The saloon shootouts, of course, come from that other great American mythology, the Western. (So does Han Solo’s general cowboy look and demeanor. ) By the 1970s, though, the Western no longer enjoyed the hold on the popular imagination it once had, though its influence has continued to be felt in films [like] Star Wars†. With all the element of classic westerns, including cowboy-type characters, evil villains, and a plot filled with action, it would only seem appropriate that Star Wars also possessed a classic theme, as many popular westerns do. However, Han’s goodness is finally known and he becomes one of the rebels’ greatest assets and is one of the movie’s best examples of a western style cowboy. While Star Wars could be considered a western set in space, it certainly possesses more elements and intricacies of plot than are given credit. While none of the conventions are new, they helped infuse the modern blockbuster with the spirit of old Hollywood, to very profitable results. A few true westerns have become blockbusters in the past thirty years, most notably Dances with Wolves, which grossed $424,200,000 worldwide, and featured many of the same elements as Star Wars, including good versus evil, the encroaching omnipresent technological power, and the perseverant hero. Ironically, Dances With Wolves even won the Academy Award for best film, beating out the film Goodfellas, which actually ended with an homage to Edwin S. Porter’s original western; it featured one of the most sinister mobsters in the movie shooting his gun directly at the audience at the end of the film, almost exactly duplicating the ending of Porter’s film. This just goes to show that regardless of what genre today’s Hollywood blockbusters fall under, the plot elements of the American western permeate most, from the simple battle of good versus evil to the ultimate victory enjoyed by the pure-hearted hero. Bibliography All-Time Worldwide Box office, Internet Movie Database, 2008, retrieved 2 April 2008, http://imdb. com/boxoffice/alltimegross? region=world-wide. Dirks, Tim, The Great Train Robbery (1903), The Greatest Films, 2008, retrieved 2 April 2008, http://www. filmsite. org/grea. html. Dirks, Tim, Western Films, The Greatest Films, 2008, retrieved 2 April 2008, http://www. filmsite. org/westernfilms. html. Eyman, Scott and Gianetti, Louis, Flashback: A Brief History of Film, New Jersey, Prentice Hall, 1991. Greydanus, Steven D. , An American Mythology: Why Star Wars Still Matters,† Decent Films Guide, 2007, retrieved 2 April 2008, http://www. decentfilms. com/sections/articles/starwars. html. Levy, Emanuel, Oscar History: Western GenreBest Picture, EmanuelLevy. com, 2008, retrieved 2 April 2008, http://www. emanuellevy. com/article. php? articleID=7193. Lucas, George. Star Wars. Hollywood, CA, Twentieth Century Fox, 1977. Schatz, Thomas, Cowboy Business, The New York Times, November 10, 2007, retrieved 2 April 2008, http://www. nytimes. com/2007/11/10/magazine/ 11schatz. html? _r=1ref=magazineoref=slogin. Schatz, Thomas, Studio System, Film Reference, 2007, retrieved 2 April 2008, http://www. filmreference. com/encyclopedia/Romantic-Comedy-Yugoslavia/Studio-System. html. Williamson, Ed, John Waynes First Blockbuster Movie, Epinions, 2002, retrieved 2 April 2008, http://www. epinions. com/content_75406675588.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Industrial Training Report

Industrial Training Report Department Of Civil Engineering Industrial Training Report REINFORCEMENT Reinforcement is used to take tensile force and as well as compressive force. Only reinforcement bars carry tensile stress where compressive stress is carried by both reinforcement bars and concrete depending on the situation carry load. Normally steel bar is used as reinforcement because it has enough strength and steel bars are available at required strength with fair cost. In early days wooden bar also was used for this purpose. Concrete is weak in tension and strong in compression. Reinforcement is provided to enhance the moment carrying capacity of structure. Tor steel bars are used as reinforcement material at our site. T-32, T-25, T-20, T-16 and T-10 bars which are imported from Singapoor, Malasiya and local product also and length of 6m and 12m, are used in our site. The reinforcement is laid according to the structural drawings. After that the following checks are done. Spacing Diameter type of bars No of stirrups No of links Lap length Starter bars if needed Cover blocks Covering Regular binding of bars together Placement of tension compression bars If there are any construction joints, they should be chipped and cleaned to bond properly. INDICATION OF REINFORCEMENT IN DRAWING Engineering drawings is a language of communication of details. Therefore there is a standard to indicate reinforcement in drawing such as 6T16-101-8 B or T This means that ‘6’- No of bars ‘T’ Indicate tor steel ‘16’- Indicate the diameter of the bar in mm ‘101’- Indicate the bar mark ‘8’- Indicate the distance between two bars in inches ‘T’- Indicate the position of the bar (top bar) ‘B’ Indicate the position of the bar (bottom bar) BAR BENDING WORK Bar bending is carried by machinery method and manual. For minor works it was done manually with the help of cutting lever. Skilled bar benders are involved in this process. The bar bender do his job according to bar schedule which is given to him. It includes Size type of bar Number of bar Dimensions Bending length Crank length position Shape of bar Bar mark Name type of structural member Place Grids between those grids it is used For transferring the stress at the end of bars have to be welded or lapped at the end. The lap should not be less than the anchorage length. The minimum length of lap in tension and compression is 45 times of diameter of the bar. The types and numbers of bars are planed earlier and cut. Sufficient numbers of stirrups are also made by bar benders. Before placing the steel bars, they are cleaned well. Lap length – 45 times of bar diameter Anchorage length – 40 times of bar diameter Stirrup anchorage length – 10 times of bar diameter Diameter of à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¦ 45 à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¦ Figure 7.1: Lapping of Bars PLACING OF REINFORCEMENT All reinforcement should be placed in correct positions as shown in drawing. It should not be allowed to move when concreting. Cover blocks are used to place reinforcement bars with cover. Cover blocks are made up of 1:3 cement sand mortars. Cover blocks are not removed after concreting and it is important element. Its’ strength should not be less than to strength of concrete. Sizes of cover blocks vary according to the structural members. The cover block thickness of, slab is 25mm, beam, column, lift wall retaining wall are 30mm and shoring side water retaining structures are 40mm. When beams are bound it is kept out of the pit of beam for the easy of work. First top bars of beam and stirrups are bound. Then other bars are inserted and bound. While reinforcement of beam is brought down after finishing the work, very nicely it is get down without affecting the formwork. Usually for all structural members lap is not allowed at a same level for all bars. And alternative bars having laps at a same level. But columns have laps at a same level because of difficulties of binding of long bars and reinforcement is crowded at the junction of beam and column. Lap is avoided at critical position of tension and compression. SCHEDULE OF BARS Schedule of bars gives the number of bars required in each type for a reinforcement network. By having bar schedule following advantages can be achieved. Time saving in the reinforcement work Amount of steel required can be exactly calculated. So purchase in excess or high transport cost can be avoided. Wasting of cut off pieces can be reduced give more efficiency as reinforcements are expensive. Laps occurring in tension portion can be avoided. Bar benders can easily understand. Easy to handle at site. While we make a bar schedule we should know about the tension and compression how to acting on the member. And lap should not be allowed to be in the tension portion and critical compression portion also. When we are doing schedule for slab if part of slab is finished for the balance work we take site measurement for required length of reinforcement. The typical lap position for beam is shown below: SLAB Slab is a kind of plate, which can carry loads. Basically slabs are divided in to two types as one-way spanning slab and two-way spanning slab. Depending on the type of slab the amount of reinforcement, which placed to resist the moments, is different. Most probably slabs are reinforced only for tension and compression is supported by concrete. Usually for middle of slab reinforcement is placed at bottom and edge (near the beam or supports) of slab reinforcement is placed at top. But basement floor slab reinforcement is placed in opposition way. Therefore middle of slab reinforcement is at top and edge (around the beam) of slab reinforcement is at bottom. Between the top bar and bottom bar of the slab should be maintained while concreting it may be disturbed due to load which is the load of workers, instrument and concrete flow pipe. Overall reinforcement cover is checked by leveling instrument. To keep the space between those two bars space bar is used. BEAM Beam is the load-transferring member building, which transfer load from slab to column. In the beams tension is supported by reinforcement and compression is supported by concrete and reinforcement. In most occasions, middle of beam undergoes sagging moment and beam nearby support undergoes hogging moment. For supporting the higher tension, additional tension bars are inserted at bottom of middle and top of edge therefore nearby support. But basement floor reinforcement is in the opposition way. For basement floor beams additional tension bars are inserted at top of middle and bottom of nearby pile caps. While bars are bound to the beam space between two bars should not be less than 1.5 times bar diameter. This minimum space is required for, to form an enough bonding between reinforcement concrete and to minimize the damage while impact load is applied on the beam reinforcement take dynamic movement. COLUMN Column is the main member to transfer the load to foundation. Column is mainly designed for carrying the compression. But it is designed to support the moment also while considering the eccentricity and side force therefore wind load. In column compression is carried by concrete and reinforcement. Column reinforcement is mainly designed for support the compression and small amount of tension that is caused by moment. For large size bars (T 32, T25, etc.) lap is held at same level. Due to the handling problem and if the lap is in the junction of column and beam concreting is very difficult some time huney homb may occur. Column typical lap is shown in the figure 7.4. Probably most of columns reinforcements are symmetrical about two axes. First when bars are bound verticality of bar is maintained. SECTIONAL VIEW Stair case   Stair case is same as slab reinforcement. Therefore tension reinforce is provided at bottom and at the edges tension reinforcement is provided at top. Here in addition to slab some tension reinforcement is provided junctions. STIRRUP Stirrup is main element in supporting the shear force. If we consider column, stirrups are used for to hole the vertical bar together. Due to load column mar bulk in this situation cracks may appear in vertical direction. Without happening bulk stirrups bound the column. In the beam, there is more probability to happen the shear failer because it transfer load horizontally. Beam is not a continuous element that is the compound of cement, sand, aggregate and reinforcement. These elements are bound by bond, which may fail in transferring the shear stress. Of cause we use stirrups to carry out the shear stress for beams and columns. In our site stirrups are made by bar bending machine. Stirrup shape is shown in the figure 7.6 Industrial Training Report Industrial Training Report INTRODUCTION In this duration 20/4/2009 until 2/10/2009, I had been assigned to a company name SILVERLAKE SYSTEM SDN BHD, which is located at LEVEL 2A KPMG TOWER FIRST AVENUE, BANDAR UTAMA 47800 PETALING, SELANGOR to complete my internship. On the 1st day, I have been brief by their staffs at there about the rules of company and how their organization works. After that, we had assigned to follow different supervisors and department. I had been assigned to clients side which is at KWSP building under team LEGAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (LMS). On the 2nd day, I have to go there to continue my internship until 2/10/2009. Basically, my team at KWSP building is handling about a website name legal/panel that can let users/employees to perform their tasks. Those tasks are like approve, assign, and reject, accept case; work with case status, criminal, civil, court action; perform some calculation fees, date; some reports for review and etc. My team have 4 senior staffs and me 1 trainee. They had briefly told me how they perform their tasks and teach me a lot of knowledge about working. Software Exposure (software used, projects or assignments completed) During this industry training, I had used some software to do my tasks and projects. Example of software, iseries Navigator, IBM RPGLE software, Legal System, XML generator, SCITE version 1.63, Microsoft word, Microsoft excel, Microsoft power point and hotmail (email). They had taught me how to use some software that I dont know, so that I can do my tasks. Following, I will briefly describe how I use the software to do my tasks. iSeries Navigator I briefly describe iSeries Navigator is a powerful graphical interface to easily work with the iSeries server. To use iSeries Navigator, we need to have server connections that connect to the environments of our work. So we need a login ID and password to login to the environments, after we login, there will be a list of functions that we can use for perform our tasks. Example of functions like, security, network, databases, backup and etc, all those functions still have sub functions like run SQL script and etc. In here, I had been assigned some tasks on write SQL statements by using SQL Performance Monitor which is sub function of Databases tasks. This function can allows us to keep track of the resources that SQL statements use. Basically, I using this software to run some SQL statements, retrieve some useful data records to do reference, update, insert or delete some data records in the database. Example like update users details, insert new users details, for checking purpose an d etc. IBM RPGLE software This is complex software that about back end system and also related to database. I didnt learn this software before so they have to teach me more about this software and some useful commands to do my tasks. Example of the useful or important commands like dspff= display file fields, call function, and etc. This software is related to database, back end system and is very important, so they just teach me some simple and basic commands to retrieve some data, information for me to refer. I usually use this software to retrieve some useful information from database. For example, after I enter some command like dspff lg8068i (files name), then the system will show out the fields name, length, position and text of the file we choose. This mean if we change the interface of the modules, example like want to add more fields or update something, then we have to use tis system to add the fields that we need. Example like we wan modify the text fields length, we also need to modify using this system, change the length of the text that we want. After do any changes, then we have to generate the XML file again and replace it to the server. When generate XML file, we also have to refer the information from here. Legal System Actually it is system software of a web page, this system include screen display like views, pages, menus and etc; Scripts like javascripts, VBscripts; system customisation, system maintenance, user password validate and etc. All of these are use to build the EPF web page that we using now. This system software can let us create webpage, example like create buttons, textbox, dropdownlist, and write coding like javascripts,VBscripts, SQL query and etc. I had been assigned to write some javascript code for example some functions, event those things during my industri training. For example, I had to use this software to write some code to create a function for a dropdownlist to perform certain events. After select the value from dropdownlist, the function will perform some action according to the value that we select, for example, enabled a text field for us to modify and update the information or display some information that we need. Im also writing the coding for others functions, ex ample like if-else statement, display, get value and etc. Besides that, this system software also can let us maintain users detail for example users password, report maintenance. There is a part name maintenance view page for us to create, write or modify our coding and also test our coding or find error. After all had done, then save it in this system, then we can go the related page to test the function that we did just now. XML Generator XML Generator is software that can let us generate XML file, XML was designed to transport and store data, with focus on what data is. XML document is a string of characters. This XML Generator is done by that staffs who works at here. The XML file is save as notepad format, so we can edit it by using notepad. When we need to generate a XML file for a module, we need to login to RPGLE system to retrieve the data attribute from related table, for example like data field, length, data type and etc, and then copy the whole table to notepad and save it. After that, copy the notepad file to source folder of XML generator. After that, we can key in the request name, transaction code, action code, input field file, un-repeated field file, repeated field file and etc. After complete build, we need to replace this XML file for the old XML file in the server. There will be an interface of XML generator software at appendix part. We need to generate again the XML file if we had change data type ; field or data attribute in the database, for example, add more data field, or like changed the field length of some data. After finish doing this, then had to doing testing on the field that we had modify or added. For example, we had change the data field length of description field, and then we need to test whether the field length can store the data that we had already set. XML basically is use for web services, parse data, and store data. SciTE version 1.63 SciTE is software that we using here for write coding. SciTE have the feature of automatic syntax styling and it can hold multiple files in memory at one time but only one file will be visible. There are two panes in SciTE, the editing pane and the output pane. The output pane is located either to the right of the editing pane or below it. SciTE can perform commands to compile or run source files with the output from these commands directed into the output pane. SciTE currently is able to syntax style these languages: C++, C#, javascript, HTML and etc. We using this software to write those coding for example like javascript, SQL scripts, and others coding. We are using this software because it support many programming language and also have automatic syntax styling. Besides that, this software also can let us easily write our coding for example like it can let us easily control the alignment of coding and have coding line calculation; find and search function. All these functions can let us write coding with more efficient and effective. Microsoft word It is a useful software and is using for documentation tasks. I using Microsoft word to do documentation about print screen of all the modules or sub modules of the system, then briefly explain what is the condition and name of each of the modules. This documentation is done for users to let them understand the condition of those modules and how to perform their task by using those modules in the system. Besides that, merge field also done by Microsoft word, after insert merge field, we can show those information from database. Press alt+f9 will show the coding that hidden and we can modify and update it. Microsoft Excel I use Microsoft excel to write SQL Statements. They give me some task like write SQL scripts, they will give me all the information that I need to update and I will write my SQL scripts like update statement in excel. Actually write in excel is for backup purpose. Microsoft Power Point I am using this software to do some power point slide for user. In this power point slide, I have included some diagram example like activity diagram, and some flow diagram. I also using power point to show the flow of those activities, follow step by step and sequence so that the user can understand how the flow of activities go. Hotmail (E-Mail) My team was doing a project on sending inform email to users so they use my e-mail for testing purpose. I using my email to test the system is it will send a correct email to the user after doing some action; accept any case, any status changes or etc in the system. I have to check is it the information of the email that send to my mail is accurate when refer to the task that I had did in the module of the system. For example, I have to check the information like employees no, name, case files no, date and etc is it same with the case that I perform those tasks. After I perform some tasks, it will send an e-mail to my hotmail to inform me those latest update. Hardware Exposure (software used, projects or assignments completed) During this industry training, I have been provided a desktop with specification pentium[r] 4 cpu, 3.06GHz, 1 GB ram and 80GB hard disk. Besides that, there is a share printer that can let us use for print documents. Environment Exposure (e.g. working relationship with colleagues, clients, management, etc) During this whole industri training, I was assigned to KWSP building to continue my training. The location of KWSP building is around Masjid Jamek, I always go work by taking LRT from Wangsa Maju, so it is very convenient. The environment of the KWSP is very good and also provides us a lot of good facilities. Besides that, the working environment is also very clean and comfortable. There are 4 trainees including me that had been assigned to KWSP building to continue our training. All of us had been assigned to different departments and do our tasks according to our team. For example, main task for BDS team is about database and our LEGAL team is about front-end like SQL, retrieve data show to user. My team need to communicate with users (workers) from KWSP because we need to get feedback from them about our system that performs tasks for them. So our team got a good relationship with those users from KWSP to make sure that the systems can perform tasks successfully without errors. Co lleagues in my team are very good and friendly. After they giving me some tasks to do, they will explain to me how to do and also teach me if I dont know how to do. When I got some problems or errors, they will teach me how to find those errors and teach me how to solve those problems. They always teach me a lot of useful knowledge about working and guide me when I had some problems. I really had learnt a lot of knowledge and gain a lot of working experience from them. Conclusion Finally I had finished my industry training in this semester and now is already started a new semester to continue study. During my training semester, I really had learnt a lot of knowledge from my colleagues and some working experience from them. I am glad to become their trainee because they really teach me a lot and when I got facing some problems, they willing to teach me how to solve it or help me to solve those errors. This industry training really provides a lot of benefits for me. During this training, I had a chance to learning from them while working, besides that, I also know more about the working environment at outside. Other than gain knowledge about the programming language from my working place, I also learn more about teamwork from them. In working environment, work as a team is important for complete a project, so teamwork is important for working. Working is not same as study, in working environment; we need to have a good communication skill because when working, communications between employees or clients are very important. I really learnt a lot of extra knowledge from my colleagues during my industry training, I really appreciate it and thanks for them in teaching me and guide me along this whole training. Besides that, I also thanks college for provide us a industry training so that we can learnt some knowledge and working experience before we going out for the real working environment. These really help us a lot in our future when we are ready for working. Appendix(Monthly Reports) KOLEJ TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCE INDUSTRIAL TRAINING (FROM 21/4/08 TO 4/10/08) STUDENTS MONTHLY REPORT Please tick ( ÃÆ'- ) or specify your answer where required. 1. Report For The Month Of : (ÃÆ'- ) Apr ( ) May ( ) Jun ( ) Jul ( ) Aug ( ) Sep ( ) Oct 2. Student Details Name : ONG KAR CHUN Course : (ÃÆ'- ) AIA ( ) AIB ( ) AIT Telephone No. : 012-6514834 College Supervisor : Ms. TAN LAY AIK 3. Company Details Company Name : Silverlake System Sdn Bhd Telephone No. : 03-7721 6002 Location of Training : Level 2A, KPMG Tower, First Avenue, Bandar Utama, 47800 Petaling Utama, Selangor. Company Supervisor : Ms. CHIN YEN LING Supervisor‘s designation : ______________________________________________________ Allowance : RM 600 Accommodation provided? : ( ) Yes (ÃÆ'- ) No 4. Feedback Is the training beneficial? : (ÃÆ'- ) Yes ( ) No Suggestions: 5. Monthly Progress Report Nature of Work (tick all that apply): ( ) Programming ( ) Networking (ÃÆ'- ) Support () Others Give a brief description of the work/assignment done during the month breakdown by week. Week 1 (From 20-4-09 to 24-4-09 ) On the first day, I have been brief about the training rules and regulations of the company. Then they start assign us into a team in different department. I have been assign to collection department. On the next day, I have been assign to client side which is in KWSP company to continue my training. My department is work with Legal System(LMS), they brief and teach me about how the system work. They give me a documentation to read and understand how to use the system. Week 2 (From 27-4-09 to 30-4-09 ) I was been called back to the main company for this week. The first day, they given the task to prepare documentation for the screen of the ODBC bank project. The project is builded by RPGLE and they teach me how to retrieve data from it. Then I needed to capture the sample screen and arrange it in the standard format of documentation. The following days , I been assigned a new task for testing the legal module of the KWSP project which builded by eTP. I need to test the system like an end-user to see whether the system can perform all those functions or not. They also give me a list to check the system see whether got miss out any important fields or functions. Date: 4-5-09 _ Signature: _______________ (ONG KAR CHUN) KOLEJ TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCE INDUSTRIAL TRAINING (FROM 21/4/08 TO 4/10/08) STUDENTS MONTHLY REPORT Please tick ( ÃÆ'- ) or specify your answer where required. 1. Report For The Month Of : ( ) Apr ( ) May (ÃÆ'- ) Jun ( ) Jul ( ) Aug ( ) Sep ( ) Oct 2. Student Details Name : ONG KAR CHUN Course : (ÃÆ'- ) AIA ( ) AIB ( ) AIT Telephone No. : 012-6514834 College Supervisor : Ms. TAN LAY AIK 3. Company Details Company Name : Silverlake System Sdn Bhd Telephone No. : 03-7721 6002 Location of Training : Level 2A, KPMG Tower, First Avenue, Bandar Utama, 47800 Petaling Utama, Selangor. Company Supervisor : Ms. CHIN YEN LING Supervisor‘s designation : ______________________________________________________ Allowance : RM 600 Accommodation provided? : ( ) Yes (ÃÆ'- ) No 4. Feedback Is the training beneficial? : (ÃÆ'- ) Yes ( ) No Suggestions: 5. Monthly Progress Report Nature of Work (tick all that apply): (ÃÆ'- ) Programming ( ) Networking (ÃÆ'- ) Support () Others Give a brief description of the work/assignment done during the month breakdown by week. Week 1 (From 1-6-09 to 5-6-09 ) Last week I had learned and write some SQL statements for the program to retrieve data from the database. So this week, I continue doing my work on SQL statements. In this task, I am using a program name SQL analysis to check whether my SQL statements is correct and can retrieve data from database. By using this program, we can update and check the data in the database that we want. So in this week, they give me a task to update those selected data in the database by using this program. Besides that, I also have to retrieve those selected data from database and check whether those data are correct. Week 2 (From 8-6-09 to 12-6-09 ) At last week, they already teach me how to generate XML files. We need to generate again the XML file if we had change data type, field or data attribute in the database, for example, add more data field, or like changed the field length of some data. They are using the RPGLE system to add data field or change those datas field length for a table. So after they had done any changed to the table, we had to generate again the related XML file by using the XML generator. After generate again the new XML file will be replace the old XML file and store it in the server so that the interface of the web page will be changed too. After finish doing this, then had to doing testing on the field that we had modify or added. For example, we had change the data field length of description field, and then we need to test whether the field length can store the data that we had already set. Week 3 (From 15-6-09 to 19-6-09 ) In this week, they teach me how to find out what are those errors and see the error occur in which data field. In the server, there was a folder store the trace file that can let us know what is the related attribute included when we perform an event by clicking a button. This trace file is keep trace the event that we perform according to the users ID that we use for testing. In this trace file, we can know which field had occurred errors, for example we had key in the information in the field and we found that got error occur when we try to save it. If this happened, we can go trace file and find out which data field had occurred error. This is very useful because we can easily and quickly find out the field that had occurred error and can fix it. Every time we click a button for example like save, next confirm and others, then the trace file will keep track what is the data included and where the data store. Week 4 (From 22-6-09 to 30-6-09 ) In this week, I do the same tasks like what had I done last 3 weeks. After they did any change for example like add new data attribute or modify data attribute like length, then I had to generate again the related XML file and replace the old XML file and store it into the server. After that, I will do the testing for the part that already changed, test whether it can perform correctly and no error occurred. If got error, then I had refer to the trace file that store in the server to find out what is the error and which related field occurred the error. If I cant solve the error, then I had to ask them for help and teach me how to solve it. This is the time that I learned from them while solving the problem. Date: 30-6-09 _ Signature: _______________ (ONG KAR CHUN) KOLEJ TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCE INDUSTRIAL TRAINING (FROM 21/4/08 TO 4/10/08) STUDENTS MONTHLY REPORT Please tick ( ÃÆ'- ) or specify your answer where required. 1. Report For The Month Of : ( ) Apr ( ) May (ÃÆ'- ) Jun ( ) Jul ( ) Aug ( ) Sep ( ) Oct 2. Student Details Name : ONG KAR CHUN Course : (ÃÆ'- ) AIA ( ) AIB ( ) AIT Telephone No. : 012-6514834 College Supervisor : Ms. TAN LAY AIK 3. Company Details Company Name : Silverlake System Sdn Bhd Telephone No. : 03-7721 6002 Location of Training : Level 2A, KPMG Tower, First Avenue, Bandar Utama, 47800 Petaling Utama, Selangor. Company Supervisor : Ms. CHIN YEN LING Supervisor‘s designation : ______________________________________________________ Allowance : RM 600 Accommodation provided? : ( ) Yes (ÃÆ'- ) No 4. Feedback Is the training beneficial? : (ÃÆ'- ) Yes ( ) No Suggestions: 5. Monthly Progress Report Nature of Work (tick all that apply): (ÃÆ'- ) Programming ( ) Networking (ÃÆ'- ) Support () Others Give a brief description of the work/assignment done during the month breakdown by week. Week 1 (From 1-6-09 to 5-6-09 ) Last week I had learned and write some SQL statements for the program to retrieve data from the database. So this week, I continue doing my work on SQL statements. In this task, I am using a program name SQL analysis to check whether my SQL statements is correct and can retrieve data from database. By using this program, we can update and check the data in the database that we want. So in this week, they give me a task to update those selected data in the database by using this program. Besides that, I also have to retrieve those selected data from database and check whether those data are correct. Week 2 (From 8-6-09 to 12-6-09 ) At last week, they already teach me how to generate XML files. We need to generate again the XML file if we had change data type, field or data attribute in the database, for example, add more data field, or like changed the field length of some data. They are using the RPGLE system to add data field or change those datas field length for a table. So after they had done any changed to the table, we had to generate again the related XML file by using the XML generator. After generate again the new XML file will be replace the old XML file and store it in the server so that the interface of the web page will be changed too. After finish doing this, then had to doing testing on the field that we had modify or added. For example, we had change the data field length of description field, and then we need to test whether the field length can store the data that we had already set. Week 3 (From 15-6-09 to 19-6-09 ) In this week, they teach me how to find out what are those errors and see the error occur in which data field. In the server, there was a folder store the trace file that can let us know what is the related attribute included when we perform an event by clicking a button. This trace file is keep trace the event that we perform according to the users ID that we use for testing. In this trace file, we can know which field had occurred errors, for example we had key in the information in the field and we found that got error occur when we try to save it. If this happened, we can go trace file and find out which data field had occurred error. This is very useful because we can easily and quickly find out the field that had occurred error and can fix it. Every time we click a button for example like save, next confirm and others, then the trace file will keep track what is the data included and where the data store. Week 4 (From 22-6-09 to 30-6-09 ) In this week, I do the same tasks like what had I done last 3 weeks. After they did any change for example like add new data attribute or modify data attribute like length, then I had to generate again the related XML file and replace the old XML file and store it into the server. After that, I will do the testing for the part that already changed, test whether it can perform correctly and no error occurred. If got error, then I had refer to the trace file that store in the server to find out what is the error and which related field occurred the error. If I cant solve the error, then I had to ask them for help and teach me how to solve it. This is the time that I learned from them while solving the problem. Date: 30-6-09 _ Signature: _______________ (ONG KAR CHUN) KOLEJ TUNKU ABDUL RAHMAN SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCE INDUSTRIAL TRAINING (FROM 21/4/08 TO 4/10/08) STUDENTS MONTHLY REPORT Please tick ( ÃÆ'- ) or specify your answer where required. 1. Report For The Month Of : ( ) Apr ( ) May ( ) Jun (ÃÆ'- ) Jul ( ) Aug ( ) Sep ( ) Oct 2. Student Details Name : ONG KAR CHUN Course : (ÃÆ'- ) AIA ( ) AIB ( ) AIT Telephone No. : 012-6514834 College Supervisor : Ms. TAN LAY AIK 3. Company Details Company Name : Silverlake System Sdn Bhd Telephone No. : 03-7721 6002 Location of Training : Level 2A, KPMG Tower, First Avenue, Bandar Utama, 47800 Petaling Utama, Selangor. Company Supervisor : Ms. CHIN YEN LING Supervisor‘s designation : ______________________________________________________ Allowance : RM 600 Accommodation provided? : ( ) Yes (ÃÆ'- ) No 4. Feedback Is the training beneficial? : (ÃÆ'- ) Yes ( ) No Suggestions: 5. Monthly Progress Report Nature of Work (tick all that apply): (ÃÆ'- ) Programming ( ) Networking (ÃÆ'- ) Support () Others Give a brief description of the work/assignment done during the month breakdown by week. Week 1 (From 1-7-09 to 10-7-09) In this week, they are giving me a task about documentation. All I have to do is print screen all the modules or sub modules of the system and paste those capture screens in Microsoft word. After that, I have to briefly explain what is the condition and name of each of the modules. This documentation is do for users to let them understand the condition of those modules and how to perform their task by using those modules in the system. I have to briefly explain the steps, what those conditions are, and what the modules can perform. I also have to briefly explain the selections or actions that the modules have. Actually this documentation is do for those users to understand what is the use of the modules and how they can perform their task like key in details, date, and other information by using the system. Week 2 (From 13-7-09 to 17-7-09) In this week, they teach me how to use the software, name iSeries Navigator. This is software that can connect to our server and it is also link to database. In this software, there is many function that related to network, databases, file system, backup, and some basic operations. They briefly explain to me about what those important functions are and what the purpose of doing those functions. After that, they giving me a task to do, it is about run Sql script and retrieves and check data. The first step I have to do is write my Sql script in excel according to the condition that I need. After that, they give me a condition and i have to write update and insert Sql script in excel. After finish write, I have to make sure that those Sql statement is correct before run the Sql script. When run Sql script, if got any errors, we can refer to the error messages and fix it. The purpose of doing the Sql script in excel is because we need to do a backup copy of the Sql script that we write or modify. Beside that, we also can use tis software to run some Sql statement to retrieve or check data that we need. In this week, I have learn more about the back end system which is RPG system SiPFS batch menu, I had learn this last few weeks ago, but this week is learn more command and know more about the system. Example of the useful or important commands like dspff= display file fields, call, and etc. After I enter some command like dspff lg8068i(files name), then the system will display the file fields from the library that store the file. For example the system will show out the fields name, length, position and text of the file we choose. The system will show all the fields name, length, position and text definition that using in the module. This mean if we change the interface of the modules, example like want to add more fields or update something, then we have to use tis system to add the fields that we need. Example like we wan modify the text fields length, we also need to modify using this system, change the length of the text that we want. After do any changes, then we have to gener ate the XML file again and replace it to the main server. Week 3 (From 20-7-09 to 24-7-09) Week 4 (From 27-7-09 to 31-7-09) In this week, I am doing testing on what we had done for this month. I am testing the part of sending inform email to users. I testing the system is it will send a correct email to the user after doing some action; accept any case, any status changes or etc in the system. I using my email to do this testing, so it is easy for me to refer to what had I done in the system. They give me some condition to test, after accept any case or information in the module, it will be send a information email to my hotmail, so I can check is it the correct email that we need. I have to check is it the information of the email that send to my mail is accurate when refer to the task that I had did in the module of the system. I have to check the information like employees no, name, case files no, date and etc is it same with the case that I perform those tasks. If got any errors and problems, I